I Don’t Do Decaf – Set of 3 Coffee Xmas Ornaments
If you, like me enjoy indulging in a delicious coffee on a regular basis (or just need a jolt of java to get started in the morning!) then you’ll love these coffee inspired Christmas ornaments.
I think a coffee themed Christmas tree sounds ideal, but being married to a tea lover means that I’ll have to compromise a little by just adding a few of these ornaments to our tree!
A great thing about coffee Christmas ornaments is that they can make a cool gift idea for a friend or a co-worker, there’s certainly a lot of different ones to choose from.
I know I meet up with a friend for coffee once a week and her favorite coffee is a latte so a couple of Christmases ago I got her a latte Christmas ornament and she love it! For myself I think a Mocha would be more in order and luckily whatever coffee beverage you prefer there’s probably an ornament to represent it!
Of course if you enjoy a cup of tea as well (which I certainly do) you can always combine some tea Christmas ornaments with your coffee ones and even add some hot chocolate ones, it’s your tree!
‘Coffee to Go’ Holiday Ornaments
There are a few different types of takeout coffee inspired Chirstmas ornaments that are great to hang on your tree for the holidays. If I’d found these when I was still working in my banking role I would’ve given a few of these away for our Secret Santa as there was a core group of us who used to go and get a latte (or other caffeinated indulgence) to go from a coffee shop around the corner

Fun New Ornament by Lisa Schaffer Photo on Flickr
Coffee Lover Christmas Personalized Ornament
To make a really special Christmas ornament you can buy any coffee lover their very own personalized mug to hang on their Christmas tree – how cool is that?
If you’re giving someone a cool ornament as a gift I always think it becomes even more special when it’s personalized and it really makes it even more like a takeout coffee cup if it has a name on it don’t you think?
Coffee To Go Christmas Ornament
This ornament is ideal for people who are always in a rush and grabbing their java injection while racing to and from different places – work, the shops, the gym, school etc. I’m not sure how I got through the ‘school run’ on days when I didn’t have a coffee in the car with me – thank goodness my daughter now walks to school!
Of course there are lots of different takeout coffee places around and a number of them offer Christmas ornaments like the Dunkin Donuts one above (although I can’t find any for sale online at the time of writing). The biggest coffee shop that sells ornaments as well though has to be Starbucks which is why I have a selection of their ornaments available below –
Starbucks Christmas Ornaments
More ‘Coffee on the Go” Holiday Ornaments
Starbucks Christmas Ornaments – Set of Two
If you know someone who enjoys a regular shot of Starbucks in their day then this is a great gift idea – a Starbucks Christmas ornament set featuring a takeout coffee cup and a Christmas blend of coffee – does it get any better?
This Starbucks set was brought out in 2007, but they bring out new ornaments every year which means that some Starbucks lovers will actually collect these ornaments – now that’s a devoted coffee lover!
Starbucks Christmas Ornaments – Set of Two
This Starbucks mugs set of two Christmas ornaments would make a great gift idea. Combining two Christmas ornaments – the red and white Starbucks mugs – this is a great idea for a small gift to a colleague, friend or family member.
You can also buy the Starbucks mug ornaments individually along with ice coffee mugs if you know someone who prefers their coffee cold.
Starbucks Red Cup Christmas Ornament Starbucks Clear Cold Cup Christmas Ornament Starbucks White Cup Ornament
Christmas Ornaments for a Coffeephile
I Love Heart Shaped Ornaments!
If you worship at the alter of Caffeina, Goddess of Coffee then you’ll simply adore one of these ornaments …… or two or three!
The heart shaped ornaments perfectly sum up the effect coffee has on millions of people – there’s something about the delicious aroma that helps us to start our day and then there’s the taste which not only awakens the taste buds, but helps to wake you up ready for your day ahead.
A coffee is also essential for many of us in the middle of the afternoon to keep us alert for the rest of the day (except for those unlucky ones who can’t sleep when they drink caffeine that late in the day). I’ve heard people say that they need to run an iv line to keep their caffeine levels up, but that’s a waste of this beverage as part of the pleasure is smelling the aroma before sipping (or gulping) the hot liquid down!
Morning Is Grand Coffee Christmas Ornament
I Heart I Love Coffee Ornament
Coffee Heart Christmas Tree Ornament
Aren’t these coffee lover ornaments cool? Any of them would look great hanging on your tree, but I’m sure you have a favorite one that ‘speaks’ to you.
I feel that these ornaments are so appropriate for the holiday season as I’m sure coffee fuels many people who have to organize the holiday decorating, cooking, baking, running backwards and forwards to school/church/youth group show and activities, buying and wrapping gifts etc etc. How would we cope with all of these seasonal activities without regular injections of heavenly java?
“Life is just one cup of coffee after another”
Bertrand Russell
With those words why wouldn’t everyone have at least one of these gorgeous ornaments to celebrate the holidays with?
More Gorgeous Coffee Ornaments For You
There are so many different styles of coffee ornaments to choose from that there’s bound to be one that suits just about everyone from the traditional espresso drinker to the modern soy latte drinker. If you’re not really sure which ornaments to get someone then what about a set of the more traditional looking Christmas ornaments here –
Set of 4 Coffee Break Glass Christmas Ornaments
I love this set as they don’t yell ‘coffee’ and yet they’re an ideal color for a coffee inspired tree. I would love to use these in conjunction with other coffee ornaments if I was going to decorate my whole tree in a coffee theme.
These ornaments are also ideal if you’re not sure of someone’s favorite cup of Joe! Speaking of which do you know where the expression ‘cuppa Joe’ or ‘cup of Joe’ came from?
They say it’s a shortened version of ‘a cup of jamoke’, now when I first read this I thought and what on earth is jamoke? It was apparently a word used instead of coffee in the early 1940s taken from java and mocha. I had never heard of this word being used, but it does make sense that it would’ve been shortened – so that’s your little piece of trivia for the day, I hope you enjoyed it!
Back to the ornaments now starting with a set of bauble style ornaments decorated in cool coffee beans …..
Set of 4 Coffee Break Glass Christmas Ornaments Set of 3 Coffee Christmas Ornaments Coffee Dangle Christmas Tree Ornament
I quite like this simple ornament as it does mention a few different types of coffee, but personally I would probably get a mocha ornament for myself and if I was buying for someone else I’d get their favorite ‘style’ as it shows that you’ve been paying attention!
Giant Coffee Beans Ornament by Lace9lives
Now I admit I haven’t included any flat whites or tall blacks in the selection below, but if that’s your favorite I’m sure you’d be happy with some of the ornaments that were further up the page. If you’re after lattes, mochas, cappuccinos and the like then let’s keep looking….
Latte Ornaments
Coffee Break Latte Christmas Ornament
“Latte anyone?” You can choose Christmas ornaments with not just coffee, but your favorite type of coffee on them – how cool is that?
I have a friend who I used to meet up with every week for a latte so this is the type of ornament I would have to get her. The only problem I have now is which of these latte coffee ornaments to choose as I’m not sure which one she’d prefer – decisions, decisions….. At the moment I’m leaning towards the simple red latte coffee cup round Christmas ornament.
Red Latte Coffee Cup Round Ornament Latte Coffee Cup Premium Ornament I Love You A Latte ornament
Espresso Ornaments
Another Type of Coffee Christmas Ornaments
I must admit I’m not an espresso drinker myself, but there are lots of them around so if you know someone who loves their coffee strong then these are the ornaments for them! The only friend I have who enjoys an espresso on occasion doesn’t usually bother with a Christmas tree (I know, I know, what is he thinking, but that’s his choice) so it would be no point getting one of these ornaments for him!
Espresso Cups German Christmas Ornament Coffee Break Espresso Christmas Ornament Coffee Break Espresso Christmas Ornament
Cappuccino Ornaments
Frothy Coffee Christmas Ornaments To Choose From!
I know several people who enjoy nothing more than a frothy cappuccino to give themselves a jump start on their work day. In fact most of the cappuccino drinkers are people I used to work with, if I was still in the office I’d be buying up some of these for office Secret Santa gifts!
Without wanting to age myself I can remember when some cafes first starting serving cappuccinos and they were considered so fancy! I’d never heard of mochas or lattes back then you either had tea, coffee or a cappuccino if you wanted to be a ‘coffee snob’. It’s funny how times change with all of the selections now available in not just coffee shops, but even the golden arches!
Coffee Break Cappuccino Christmas Ornament Cup of Cappuccino Christmas Ornament Cup of Cappuccino Glass Christmas Ornament Cappuccino Christmas Tree Ornament Cappuccino Christmas Tree Ornament Cappuccino Neon Sign Ornament
Mocha Ornaments
Chocolate & Coffee Make Perfect Christmas Ornaments!
Mocha is my current coffee of choice because if you can combine coffee and chocolate why wouldn’t you? Unfortunately there’s not such a big selection of coffee Christmas ornaments when it comes to specific mocha ones, but the more general coffee ornaments are always a hit.
These following ornaments are all available through Zazzle and are all available in the round and heart shaped styles featured along with an oval shape as well. These three are examples of their more ‘basic’ ornament and come complete with cord for hanging. Their other ornament (which you can get these designs on as well) look more like a pendant style to me and come with ribbon to hang on the tree with. Available in both square and round designs they have the appearance of being framed in silver, to explain what I’m talking about you can see the square option on an ornament further up the page.
Red Mocha Coffee Cup Round Ornament Heart Shaped Mocha Coffee Ornament Mocha Coffee Round Ornament
Before we go I’d like to share another coffee quote with you –
“Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven”
Jessi Lane Adams
If you want even more ideas for a coffee inspired Christmas tree then why not check out this site – How to Create a Coffee Lovers Christmas Tree

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